
any dreams lately???

Friday, January 03, 2003

[10/10/2002 1:25:40 PM | Carolina Chavez]
you are here now
you've been here for six weeks now
and you are more beautiful than i could have imagined

you are sleeping right now
i took this moment to write this
because soon you will wake up
and beckon me
with your strong lungs and your strong demands

you are always hungry
it seems
and i am always ready to feed you
because you are my growing boy
and i want to give you the best i can
even though it's only mama's milk right now
and a song to rock you back to sleep

i can't believe how much i can love such a small little person
who takes up my whole life
and i only just met you
and already i'm in love with you
sometimes i can't sleep at night
i'm too busy falling in love with you all over again
looking at you sleeping peacefully

it's ridiculous
sometimes i am struck with a fit of panic
what if your daddy
big lug that he is
rolls over on top of you and squooshes you in the night
i watch his back sleeping peacefully
his steady breathing rythmically marking the time away
he never rolls over on you
once, he ribbed you with his elbow
but you didn't notice
i fall asleep to the sound of your sighs

you wake up curling yourself like a small "c"
for chavez
rubbing your face with your hands
you don't even know you have yet
and then inevitably
you break out in a sad song of suffering
how you could suffer so at such an age
i don't know
but your cries convince me tat the your suffering is great
and i run to pick you up
and hold you close to me
and smell you
and humm to you
and feed you
because you are hungry again

i love you my little boy
my little angel
i love you more than my heart can understand


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