
any dreams lately???

Sunday, August 27, 2006


the birthday party for my little boy was a success - thanks in part to wonderful friends who love me and my little family - thanks mostly to my hunka burnin love husband who i adore with all my heart and all my soul and who is my whole world along with my little monster
the party was green
i was strangely happy for my son's preference when i asked him what kind of birthday he wanted - and his response was NOT some cheesy disney character or some comic book hero - his reponse was green - i want a green birthday
now my child is smart
at least i think so
so i wondered if he meant green as in everything should be recyclable
or just green
i decided he meant
just green
and went crazy on all this non-recyclable green decor that looked great after liz's loving touch
i even made a green cake
woo hoo
and he had a blast
his incredible daddy organized and supervised a painting fest the likes of which might be compared to a diego rivera mural
and adolfo LOVED all his presents - especially the tinky-toys - he TOTALLY loves them
he tried to convince me that he should sleep with them
momm - he supplicates - but if i don't sleep with them in my bed, my foot will break...
he cracks me up
he is flying his tinker toys around and around the air making sound effects and narrating the Samurai Jack episode intro
so anyway
yesterday was a success - the kids totally trashed his room - but miraculously - only one toy was broken - a poor fighter plane ended up with a broken wheel - but that's alright - that's one less piece of **** i need to clean up from now on
later that same night
my baby, my beautiful husband killy and i enjoyed another wonderful gathering of good friends and good times
i am so excited about my shower - everyone is excited about it - i even saw a sample of my little baby's baptism gown - my wonderful friends are making it for me - i am so blessed in so many ways - i think i have to chop my arm off and give it to the church or something because i have so much in my life - either that or i'm going to hell
either way
last night was a wonderful time - my little boy was such a little grown up man - and he's tricky - he tried to convince gameboy that he didn't really need the green ball (gameboy didn't know that green is my son's favorite color) - my little boy is a genious - he was so subtle - he used some sleight of hand tricks and mind manipulation techniques to get the end result he wanted - gameboy wasn't drinking a lot - otherwise i'm sure it would have worked - i think i'm going to have to go find him a green ball just for all that trouble
i saw friends i hadn't seen for a long time and my husband relaxed with good conversation and companionship and my son entertained and was entertained by everyone present in turn - we had a blast
and now i'm exhausted
of course
my husband did most of the cleaning
but there is still work that needs to be done
and i just managed to put my ilttle boy down to sleep
so i gotta get on the work backlog
and my husband will be home any minute now
until later


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