
any dreams lately???

Monday, February 04, 2002

so in january 31, 2002, killy and i went to see my doctor
this is the first time killy met her - she's really cool - i really like her
this is also the first time we heard the baby's heart beat - my little baby's little heartbeat - it sounded kind of swishy and fast - my doctor said it sounded strong and healthy - she also told me all of my tests came out positive - i have O+ blood - i never knew that - i also got a few more ultrasounds - this time the baby looked like a curly fry with a fat end and a skinny end - the baby measured 2.5 mm and that made herm 8 weeks 6 days - that also changed the due date - killy was excited to learn that the baby is due on his birthday - now wouldn't that be something

meanwhile - i still love my job - i still have crazy dreams - and i am still grumpy and feeling yucky

i am waiting for killy to bring me lunch


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