
any dreams lately???

Monday, December 12, 2005


is coming up
i have my "department" office holiday party at 1:30 PM
and my child's holiday party at 2:00 PM

i'm still not pregnant

but we got all our lights up this weekend
went to 2 parties - one that i learned i was co-hosting once i'd gotten there - what's up with that - if i'd known i was co-hosting - i would have done a better job...

either way - it was fun

but i am making tamales next weekend

been working like a fiend lately

i had a dream about a girl who's insides came out and were two pieces of heart with male personalities - she buried herself in the ground waist deep to "treat" her crazy blood condition while her two heart pieces chatted and bathed in blood to replenish themselves - then she was transported into another dimension through a drawer

them my mother showed up to bless me and my little family

it was quite a dream

i am tired - it's going to be hard staying away from coffee


  • At 9:56 AM, Blogger JP said…

    Wow...Youa have dreams like that and you're not pregnant?
    Are you sure?

  • At 9:58 AM, Blogger CarolinaDivina said…

    unfortunately it's true
    it's morning like these i wish i was REALLY painting - the images in my dream are so vivid and freaky - if i could paint them and show them to killy then he'd understand why i want to hold on to them


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