
any dreams lately???

Monday, September 19, 2005

put cole away

i took adolfo to his best friend's house on friday

it was pretty much soon after we came home and after i was informed by his teachers that he is a terrible little boy

i was mortified

his teachers told me he is causing trouble at school

well what sort of trouble

he hits all his little friends
he yells across the room
he can't sit still
he won't listen to the teachers telling him what to do

i was mortified
tears welled up in my eyes

well i don't even know what to do anymore
i said in desperation

adolfo looked at me imploringly
mama, i listened today
no baby
your teacher told me you don't listen
i am very disappointed

my poor little baby sort of understands
but not really
he covers his eyes and drops his head

so we go home
killy and i sit him down and lecture him

then we eat dinner and cole calls to say come on over
so we go over

and this is when it happened
cole and my baby playing in the room
and then my little boy comes strolling out after a few minutes

i ask
where's cole?
i go to the room to look for him and here a small mewing
but i don't see cole anywhere
i walk towards the mewing which is getting a little more frantic
and i find that cole is in a drawer that has been closed

my son had closed the drawer that cole decided to crawl into

i freaked out and told my boy never to do that again
i took him home

well - needless to say i worried about this alot
but i found some relief this weekend
i was lucky to get some time to talk to a professional nanny and an experienced mother
they both assured me that my little boy isn't a monster who will grow up to enjoy torturing small animals
and they also gave me some pretty helpful tips on how to correct his behavior

i am glad my son is normal
he is a beautiful baby
and i vow to be a more relaxed mother to him than freaking out for every little thing

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

pick me down daddy

my little baby boy is making sentences now
he takes a few moments to work out what he wants to say
then says it
clearly and with conviction
my son is confident in what comes out of his mouth
and it is a beautiful thing

he is playing games with me
showing me his strong will by putting me in time out when things don't go his way

you going to go to in time out
you go to in time out

my son is growing into a strong and confident boy

today he strolled into his class and proudly announced that he had gone to the museum
no matter that the visit to the museum was two days ago
no matter that when questioned about was he saw he mentioned things he saw several weeks ago at another museum

what did you see?
i seed...i seed...i seed a rocket ship
a BIIIIGGGG rocket ship

he is getting too big now
all he wants to do is wrestle
and he is too big to wrestle with me
i shout for killy to come and take over

my son is growing

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

my husband is 33 years old today

he is 30 years older than our little boy
August went by too quickly - losing my baby - living through that - the whole time my little baby is growing and growing before my eyes

i planted a bush this weekend
i want to do it again
i weeded the garden this weekend too
i like doing that except for the ants and mosquitoes

but i dressed to do battle with these forces of nature
i pulled on a pair of full length pants - bright red
i put on my father's button up shirt
buttoned it up all the way to the neck
buttoned the long sleeves tightly around my wrists
it's a blue shirt - royal blue - dark and solid
it's soft too from the many years of wear
my father left it here for me on his last visit
i pulled on long socks and my old tennies
wrapped a pink and green cotton scarf around my head
and lastly
donned my old straw hat on top

so i was ready
adolfo was napping
the day was bright and hot
one o'clock in the afternoon is not a good time to be outside in this heat

pulling the weeds
chucking the waste
squeezing fat grubs between my fingers
my thoughts turning to everything i have to be thankful for
sweat running in rivers down my back
i am thankful for that too
my little boy sprawled out on our bed with the fans breeze on his cheek
my husband's sweet smile and strong embrace
it's friday and i am outside under the sun burying my fingers in the warm earth